About the Journal
The International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance (IARJEF) is a monthly, peer-reviewed international research journal that addresses both applied and theoretical issues. The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in the fields of economics, finance, business, management, social sciences, and all other applied and theoretical areas of economics and finance. The IARJEF is published by Academic Research Publishers, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The scope of the journal includes, but not limited to economics, accounting and finance. The journal is published in both printed and it is available online for authors. The journal is available only on print edition and the current issue can be viewed online. Emphasis is given to papers that address controversial topics and which have a sound theoretical base and/or practical applications. All papers submitted should be original contributions and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
We have listed the topics that fall under the very scope of the journal for the ease of our authors:
Accounting for Decision Making, Financial Reporting, Fundamentals of Cost Accounting, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Quantitative Economic & Business Analysis, Financial Management, Business Law, Computer-based Information System, Principles of Management, Marketing, Auditing and Public Practice, External Reporting Issues, Accounting for Corporate Structures, Managerial Costing and Control, Advanced Management Accounting, Corporate Law, Income Tax Law, Business Information Systems, Systems Analysis and Design, Data and Information Management, Database Management Systems in Business, Management Information Systems, Financial Institutions, Econometrics, Corporate Finance, Investment and Portfolio Management, International Finance, Banking and Lending Decisions, Derivatives, Risk Management, Electronic Commerce, Cost management, Financial management, Capital Markets, Empirical Finance, Asset Pricing, Contemporary Issues in Commerce Research, Accounting reforms, Risk Management, Creative accounting, Eco-capitalist, Environmental ethics, Environmental finance, Ethical implications in contracts, Ethical investing, Ethical purchasing, Externality, Fair trade, Free-market environmentalism, Franchise fraud, Green economics, Global debt, Income inequality metrics, Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve, Theil index, Robin Hood index, Poverty line, Governance, Individualism, Islamic economics, Law and economics, Marxist economics, Monetary reform, Moral purchasing, Persuasion technology, Philosophy of accounting, Political choice theory, Poverty, Absolute poverty, Relative poverty, Price discrimination, Prisoner's dilemma, Product churning, Public relations, Seven-generation sustainability, Wealth, Working week, UN Global Compact, UN Human Development Index, Uneconomic growth.